How Our Advice Process Works
It's all about YOU!
Our goal at the initial meeting is to find out about you: what’s important, what motivates you, what you want to achieve and what financial success looks like to you. Only once we know your true goals, motivations and values can we begin to help you reach them.
At this stage we present you with a strategy paper. Using information gathered from the initial meeting and subsequent research we look at your financial position like a business valuation:
- Profit & Loss (what I earn vs. what I spend)
- Assets & Liabilities (what I own vs. what I owe)
We then look at the opportunities:
- How do I generate my wealth plan?
- How do I protect myself and my loved ones along the way?
- What’s the short, medium and long-term plan?
- What’s the most efficient way to reduce my debt?
- Where should I be investing my money?
Next we look at how this will achieve your goals and objectives in a way that complements your values and will translate into personal success.
At this meeting you also confirm if you wish to proceed to the next meeting which will provide the step-by-step navigation to implement the strategy paper.
The implementation meeting details the specifics of the advice, what you need to do, when it should be done and who will need to assist. This is presented as a written Statement of Advice.
We actively engage with your existing professional advisers including Accountant, Solicitor etc. to make the advice implementation as smooth as possible or can refer you to our preferred network of advisers, if required.
As this step we review everything that has been completed and implemented, ensure you are on track, answer any follow-up questions and confirm our first journey management meeting.
We see financial advice as a journey and not a means to an end. Your priorities and circumstances in life change as you get older and so our advice needs to be updated and changed accordingly. We review your original goals, values and objectives to make sure they are still relevant and make changes where required.
Our role is to provide the framework and the road map to success while also helping you to be accountable for implementing it correctly.