What We Offer You
Plenary Wealth is here to guide, counsel and advise Australians of all ages and incomes who want to significantly improve their financial position. We work best with individuals, families and business owners who are engaged, aspirational, motivated and willing to take advice.
We believe we can add the greatest value in a long-term (30+ years) partnership and, as such, are seeking those who want the same level of constancy and commitment. We have identified three key client attributes that are essential for us to add value:
- Have some financial complexity in their lives that requires external assistance
- Are highly motivated to improve their financial position
- Wish to outsource their financial management due to a lack of time, expertise or desire to do it themselves.
In return, Plenary Wealth will:
- always act professionally
- always turn up to meetings on time and prepared
- always respond to your questions in a timely nature
- always do what we say we will.
Truly effective professional relationships are built on mutual respect and obligation and so we require the same level of commitment from our clients to be able to deliver the desired results.
Our opinions are intended to challenge and are often contrarian; we don’t subscribe to the ‘we have always done it this way’ approach. If we find a better way of doing things that no one else is doing then we will do it.
As a client of Plenary Wealth, we will provide you with unemotional, objective advice that you may not always agree with. We therefore ask that you go into each meeting and conversation that we have with an open mind, ready to listen to our years of experience and expertise.

Unlike most firms who try and service thousands of clients, we understand that our particular approach will see our client base only in the hundreds. This means that it is critical that the client/adviser relationship is a good ’fit’. If you feel that you don’t meet the above requirements or that our approach is not for you, get in touch anyway – we would be more than happy to refer you to someone who would be a better fit.